The ultimate guide to working from home

The ultimate guide to working from home

Remote work has become a fast and ever growing trend ever since all our worlds got turned upside down in March 2020. Although before the COVID-19 pandemic, 99% of workers wanted the possibility to working remotely for at least part of the time. However, come 2020 and this new reality has become less of a want and more of a need.

We all know that organization is the key to productivity – it’s as old as time, yet still we struggle to sit down and focus. Discovering what works for you are very empowering and once you have cracked it, you will notice a real difference. The steps below should set you on the right path.


This post will inform you about everything you need to know regarding remote work. We will respond to all your burning remote work questions and provide you with remote work tips and tools to implement successful remote working.

  • Establish a routine: This can be the hardest part to get a grip on when you start working from home. Technology that allows bosses and clients to keep in touch continually can leave you working 24/7. Instead, try to start working at the same time every day if you can & decide what your working days and hours are and tell those you work with. Not only will this help you be more productive, but it will also help you set boundaries with the rest of your team or clients.
  • Make sure you have the necessary equipment: First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have access to a stable internet connection and a good quality desktop computer or laptop. This may seem obvious, but it is fundamental to you being able to your job effectively. If your Wi-Fi is unreliable, use an Ethernet cable to stay connected. If you are working from a laptop, invest in a stand to raise it to eye level and use a keyboard and mouse to prevent back problems
  • Write a task of the day list: This will help you remain focused and motivated during the day that what the tasks you need to do & in which time frame. Personally, I get a real sense of achievement when I tick tasks off as I go. See the to- do list section for more on how to make your to-do list work for you.
  • Stay connected: Remote working can make you feel isolated at times. As part of your routine, try to interact with your co-workers and family regularly. Texting via messaging apps like Hangouts and holding meetings over Zoom or another video app are two quick and easy ways to keep in touch. Keep your conversations light-hearted and avoid discussing work-related subjects.
  • Choose a dedicated workspace: When you are remotely working, it is important that you designate yourself a specific area to work in preferably somewhere different to where you spend your leisure time. In other words, do not just use the sofa or dining table. This will help you get into the right mindset when you sit down to work. Ideally, you want to set up your workstation in a quiet area away from distractions, particularly if you take regular phone or video calls.
  • Breaks: Make sure you have regular breaks, including a lunch break and a tea break, just like you would if you were working in an office and schedule breaks around the same time if possible.
  • Check-in regularly: It is important that from the offset managers are assured that their employees have what they need to successfully do their job. They should create a continuity plan which covers the steps employees need to take to achieve their goals. This should also be coupled with regular check-ins. Communication is absolutely key to successfully managing remote workers and to keep them on track to achieving their objectives.