What can you do to stay connected with remote employees

What can you do to stay connected with remote employees

As companies take serious steps to protect employees from the spread of COVID by restricting mobility, remote hiring services & remote working has become the new normal. However, maintaining strong and productive relationships with co-workers and clients can be challenging when you never see them in-person. Yet, thanks to today’s advanced remote staffing companies in India technology, teams can collaborate and communicate remotely with ease, and still feel like they are meeting face-to-face.

Over time, as the technology gone advanced and time changed, working from home is become more desirable. People wanted the flexibility to manage their life and work as well, and to set their own hours where possible. Plus, many companies realized that there was a wealth of talent waiting for them outside the radius of commuting distance. Work from home tools, like online project management software and virtual conferencing platforms, made this transition ease and possible. Today, working from home can be fully considered a booming trend. In fact, it is saving much time of companies, keeping them productive and creating efficiencies to help their bottom line.

Managers of remote teams do all the same things in-office managers do: Remote staffing services in India facilitate onboarding, performance reviews, weekly check-ins, and more. We just do them a little differently as such professional employer organizations in India helping many companies globally. Many suggests to use the video calls to keep up face time with their team members, but managing employees who work from home 100% of the time takes more strategic thinking and intentional planning than simply recreating in-office scenarios in a virtual world.

So here are some suggestions about what can you do to stay connected with remote employees:

Provide right tools

An important aspect of successfully managing remote employees working is to make all necessary tools easily accessible as they needed them. To meet that need, leaders and teams members may have to puzzle through what should be put in place to ease a telecommuting transition. In remote working employees needs the same access with the ease to things utilized in the on-site.

Morning status updates

If your employees is not used to working virtually, it might be helpful to run daily/weekly morning updates over video conferencing meet to help keep people on track and communicate important information daily to your team. These meetings keep people in touch and connected, and serve as a way to share wins/losses from the previous day.

Working follow up with the employee

The most important part how often a manager should reach out to remote employee. Yet the most effective way one-on-one calls with employees are not just about monitoring working. They can also be important means of keeping remote employees engaged and motivated. Ideally, regularly scheduled one-on-one calls whether daily, weekly or biweekly can help a manager to know about the employee working status is he doing well or not, discuss about the plans in development of the company etc.

Meeting with each report

Managers at MME remote hiring services in India anchor their relationships with their team around weekly 1:1 meetings. This is the helpful way of face-to-face communication you should have with your remote employee with reports. Set up a recurring half hour meeting on your calendars, and reserve 1 hour per month for longer discussion if necessary it is ok if you do not need all the time, but you should never rush these important face-to-face video calls.

And yes, you should encourage the use of video during these meetings. They are your most valuable time to build your relationship and check in on everything from work-in-progress to personal and emotional issues.

Weekly team meeting

It is equally important to build in regular face time as a whole team as it is to create those 1:1 moments. In times of crisis, your remote team might be craving more frequent interaction, while they might prefer fewer meetings when deadlines loom or work is flowing well. Since flexibility is one of the best parts of remote work, do not be afraid to change up the cadence to suit your team’s preferences.

Virtual lunch

If you are missing the gathering over in lunch hours, consider setting up lunch dates over video call with your team. You could also mention in your virtual company forums that you are interested in having lunch over video chat with people as if you were in your company cafeteria.

Team activities

Activities do not need to be anything big. They can be as simple as everyone posting some articles and reading the same article and sharing their thoughts on that, attending a webinar session to improve the productivity, starting a book club, or participating in a weekly meditation as a team.

Personal schedules and boundaries

It is important to be explicit about when your day starts and ends in order to set the precedence around work boundaries. Remember, just because you are working from home does not mean your employer can access you around the clock. The regular workday still applies, so colleagues should respect when you end your day virtually and log off, the same way as when you leave the office premise.

Performance and team reviews

If you take a look at your current performance review process, you will probably notice that none of the factors that play into how you assess your team’s performance have to do with how they function in a physical office. Shift your meetings to video, your printed review letters into PDFs, and you will be well on your way to continuing your review cycle in a well distributed setting.