Pandemic Impact On Employers And Employees


Pandemic Impact On Employers And Employees


In only a few months, the coronavirus pandemic has upended the daily lives of millions of people across the world. For all, the economic impact of the virus has led to new categorizations of essential workers, on a large-scale many organizations adapted a remote work policy and skyrocketing unemployment that is truly expected to continue increasing day by day.

With more than 30 millions of people filing for unemployment in the past four months, the U.S is predicted to experience a coronavirus induced recession through last 2020 or maybe 2021. By this not only the employee will affect much, employers have also faced much bigger impact by this pandemic as such daily loss in the business productivity.

On 14 March 2020 the government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, governors have requested certain industries to suspend their business operations. While the emergency status was lifted on 25 May 2020, the suspension is still requested for certain industries and many of them decided to adopt the policy of remote work. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) creates health challenges, job losses and business at risks, all of which is important to focus on in this only.


Impact On Employers


  • Pandemic impact on workforce–

Organizations globally are experiencing unprecedented workforce disruption. Virtually all companies are still determining how we will work in the short- and long-term, as workforces and communities try to function and perform. While struggling to cope with what is happening in their daily lives. Also, the companies are firing their employees to survive in this pandemic and they prefer to hire the employee with the low budget in this case you may need the help of the recruitment consultancy in india.


  • Pandemic impact on operations–

Becoming an Intelligent Enterprise means shifting from top-down decision-making, empowering teams guided by purpose, driven by data, powered by technology and enabled by cloud for faster speed to market. While dealing with the better decision making there is no enough time to deal with the hiring and selection of the best fit talent. Now, the intelligent corporates need the help of the best manpower recruitment agencies in delhi and they are capable of dynamic self-management and continual adaptation. Recruitment consultants in india are known for agility, resiliency and growth for your organization.


Employers Form


  • Pandemic impact on finance–

Current and future viability depend on actions, including near-term actions for stability and strategic moves that will create new futures for companies and industries. With the better plan and team actions we are the leading in terms to suggest with the best deal for office setup, office space services in india for our international clients with the best manpower recruitment services and staffing services for overseas companies which surely help you to cope up with the financial loss and crisis in this pandemic.


Impact On Employees


  • Pandemic impact on millions of jobs–

The coronavirus outbreak led to companies across the globe temporarily downsizing operations and also making employees work from home. Amidst this, several jobs were lost in companies that were struggling to spruce up revenues or had to completely suspend business in sectors like hospitality, aviation and travel/tourism.  Laid-off employees across companies told in many interviews that the employer was using chat platform call services to inform them of the decision. In several cases, the employee was being asked to resign on their own.


  • Pandemic impact on finance–

About half of the United States workforce is dealing with financial stress, leading to $500 billion in lost productivity costs for employers. This is according to a new survey by Salary Finance, which found that 48% of employees are worried about money. Those worries cost the employee about a month of productivity per year. Financially-stressed employees are also 2.2 times more likely to seek employment elsewhere. Seek out for the Placement Services Several mid-sized and large organizations have the provision of placement services. This means that if they let go of an employee, he/she is to be offered hand-holding in finding a job.

For this purpose, companies take the help of placement firms who help selected employees find alternative employment. Hence, as soon as a company informs of a job cut decision, employees must write to the human resources team to seek clarity on whether placement services in india can be availed of.

COVID-19 has squeezed the number of job opportunities open in the market right now. Placement agencies in india would be more equipped to help sacked employees find another job.


  • Pandemic impact on mental health–

An often-forgotten aspect when someone loses his/her job is the mental health impact. During a pandemic situation like COVID-19 with a rapid increase in cases on a daily basis in India, losing one’s employment is likely to lead to anxiety and depression. Online counseling and therapy sessions are available on nominal costs for individuals who may want to discuss issues related to uncertainty due to job cuts. Always seek professional help to tide over mental health issues during a tough time. Or get tips from HR Recruitment firm by managing entire process for recruitment; selection becomes quite challenging and time consuming. Candidates need to invest a lot of time in preparing the process of Interview. Still sometimes they are not able to find out right job as per their work role. Alternative solution is taking help from a reputed job consultancy in india.  As, we  at MME help thousands of job seekers all over the world who are still don’t know the procedure of getting selection in reputed organization, who are struggle in getting a right job.


Job Seeker