20 Interview Tips For 2020

Even when you have already gone through a large number of interviews, interviewing never seems to be easier. With each new job interview, you meet new people, face new challenges and get a new experience.

Things can become easier if you have done a little homework. You need to do basic preparation for the interview in such way that will cover all aspects and let you to walk out with an excellent job offer. You can also take help from some good job consultants, who can guide you in complete recruitment procedure. These manpower consultants can help to understand your job profile and provide HR counseling to let you apply for the job on suitable job portals. Basically you will be able to do resume marketing in a better way.HR Counseling Services

Below are the few professional interview tips, you should follow to amaze interviewer and make job offer closer to you:

  1. Check the authenticity of job opportunity-

If you are getting interview call from some recruitment agents, cross check the authenticity of both the job opportunity and placement consultant. Genuine and best recruitment agencies don’t ask for the money from candidate. So, rather than randomly going for interview, just be sure that job opportunity is genuine.

  1. Research the company-

Research the company to know that what they do, what are their products and how they operate. Companies expect candidates to understand their business. Also it will be helpful for candidate to understand if he is the perfect fit for job or not.

  1. Understand the job roles and responsibility-

Re-read the job description and understand job roles and responsibilities. It will be helpful for you to be prepared for work related questions and answer them properly.

  1. Print off your job application-

Carry print out of your job application, if required. Bring extra copy of it just to avoid any kind of problem.

  1. Have professional resume-

Resume is the first document that goes to the interviewer, so it must be impressive. Take help of some professional resume writing services to get a well drafted professional resume. Now a day, digital resume is new and more in demand rather than traditional resume. There are some of the recruitment agents, who can also help you to draft a short, precise and professional resume as well as resume marketing and resume submission on various job portals.

  1. Check Your Online Presence and Your Public Social Media Profiles-

2020 is the era of technology and social media. Your social media profiles may be available to public. Just make sure that interviewer must not get anything negative e.g. negative pictures, political complaints etc from your social media profile.

  1. Be on time-

Be on time for the interview. On time means 15 minutes early to interview, so that you can give yourself a few minutes extra to calm your nerves and be comfortable.

  1. Bring your notes and copy of resume-

Bringing notes will help not only in remembering questions and answers, but you will look more professional and prepared for the interview. Also bring extra copies of resumes just to be on the safer side.

  1. Practice the interview questions-

Prepare for the common interview questions such as why we should hire you, what are your strengths and weaknesses etc in advance. It will help you out to remain calm and stress less throughout the interview.

  1. Be prepared with the example of your work responsibilities-

Prepare for answers like your current roles and responsibilities with perfect examples. Interviewee will be better able to understand your job related strength, if explained with examples.


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  1. Look professional-

Wearing casual dresses will leave highly negative impression on interviewer. Whatever the company culture is, interviewee needs to be well groomed and look professional.

  1. Silence your mobile phone-

An unexpected call on interviewee phone is highly unwelcomed at the interview. So, don’t turn off it completely, just put in on silent mode.

  1. Show enthusiasm-

Employers always wish to have energetic, happy and charming team member. So, show enthusiasm while you talk or reply. You will be more likely to get the offer.

  1. Have a confident smile-

A friendly and confident smile is always welcomed by all. It will work wonderfully to make you look just like perfect for their company.

  1. Answer questions with examples-

Answer and explain the questions such as how company’s requirements can be handled by you with examples. Give examples which are relevant and can be measured.

  1. Ask questions-

Interview is not just about letting employer know about you. You also need to speak and come up with your own questions. So, prepare the list of logical and reasonable questions you need to ask to the interviewer.

  1. Maintain professional decorum-

It is very essential to behave professionally throughout the interview from the time your enter into the organization and leave. Talk politely with everyone, don’t do any professional act.

  1. Be ready for inappropriate questions-

Sometimes, you can be asked inappropriate questions, which may not be related or worth, just to check your confidence or ability to handle unexpected work situation. So, be ready for that, stay calm and behave professional.

  1. Close upon a positive note-

Everybody wants to have a positive member in his team and closing of interview really matters. So, close upon positive note. Use words like that, I will be waiting for your revert.

  1. Follow up-

Last but not least, follow up after the interview is essential. Send a thanks mail within 24 hours of interview.


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