Half of employees say employers discriminate against working mothers

Almost half (49%) of mothers believe employers discriminate against working mums, according to research from specialist jobsite Workingmums.co.uk.

In the website’s annual survey, only one in eight (12%) respondents said that employers do notdiscriminate against working mothers.

Almost three-fifths (58%) of working mums said flexible working was the most important factor for their career progression, up from 52% last year. Nearly four in 10 (38%) of those on maternity leave would not return to their jobs if a request for flexible working was not granted. But despite this, 46% of those on maternity leave had not yet discussed flexible working with their manager.

Gillian Nissim, founder of Workingmums.co.uk, said the results show how important it is employers consider how to make flexible working work for them.

“There are some jobs in which it is easier to offer certain forms of flexibility, but our work in highlighting best practice shows that there is room for a lot of creative thinking on how to make work culture more family-friendly,” she said. “Some have argued that it is too expensive for businesses to move to more agile working patterns, but the survey demonstrates the costs of not doing so in the loss of skilled staff.”

Read the complete article at: https://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/working-mothers-facing-workplace-discrimination